Drama vs. headlines: how can we make science news accurate and readable?

Journalists are loath to dissect studies from prestigious medical journals.A Chicago Tribune article a few days ago asserted that news reporting of research findings and other science topics is usually condensed by reporters to the point of over-simplification that leads readers to misinterpret the actual research findings and what they mean. All of us in PR who have struggled to write the audience-friendly healthcare press release headline or Twitter post understand all too well. The general audience appetite for technical information – content with many figures and hard data – does not warrant in-depth analysis. However, Tribune reporter Cory Franklin gives some practical and effective guidelines for science reporting that can ease our dilemma when churning our content for our health, medical, biotech, science, and pharma clients. Check out the link here for the article. Look forward to your comments!

(Photo from Chicago Tribune, March 28, 2013)

About Jaya Koilpillai Bohlmann
Global corporate communication, business, and organization behavior executive; author. My blog, DesigningCommunication, offers inspiration, insight, and tips for all professionals who want to express themselves effectively, and lead with integrity.

One Response to Drama vs. headlines: how can we make science news accurate and readable?

  1. Jerry Carducci says:

    Very provocative suject this week. In reading the Trib link. One must link the reporters’ reporting with the “flavor of the day” relating to certain medical related headlines. Take sugar related interpretation related to soft drinks and link it to Bloomberg’s motivation and the NYC ban. One could draw the same correlation to Michelle Obama’s campaign on fast food and school lunch menues and the sudden emergence of reporting that is “spun” to support her position. Remember news is not news anymore unless there is heavy drama and/or associated with some tramatic consequences. You’ve probably noticed that even more drama is being built into our traffic reports on all mornong shows! Drama or the potential promise of drama drives listers, viewers and readers…it’s what the public hungers for. So the media gives them what they want.


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