Today’s Thought: Remove obstacles – with your mind


In running cross country, there are hills, valleys, and plateaus, twists, turns, uneven ground, shady spots, sunny patches… spots that are easy to navigate and those that make muscles ache and lungs gasp.  Just like life.  When I face a steep hill, I can inwardly groan and panic, wondering how or if I’ll make it up the hill, remembering how hard it was last time and dreading every second.  Or I can remove the hill.  I can tell myself it’s not that difficult, not that steep, the downhill is just ahead, remember that the incline is easier on the knees and gives my calf muscles a stretch.  The hill – or any challenge or obstacle – is only an obstacle if you tell yourself it is.

What’s your hill today?  Big meeting, unpaid bills, long commute, important interview, difficult conversation… those “obstacles” can be  difficult, challenging, troublesome, laborious.   Or they can be nothing but the wind in your hair. You choose.

Daily Thought: The things that support us can constrict our true, natural power. Know the balance.


I’ve been wearing a soft foot brace for a tiny fracture below the fourth toe on my left foot.  I wear it especially when I run to support the foot and to try to avoid further injury at the very least, if not promote healing.  The brace does its job, while at the same time definitely making its presence known.  I feel it as the appendage it is.  While it keeps my foot compressed and still, it also creates pressure on the bottom of my foot and after a couple of miles, this is irritating.  Today, I ran without the brace.  In the first few steps, I felt a twinge of unease in that foot and nearly turned back to get the brace, afraid I couldn’t do it on my own power.  I kept going, gingerly, slowly, cautiously.  I gained my stride, the discomfort disappeared, I ran my entire distance sans brace.   As usual, I find many running metaphors suitable for advice on life.  In life, as well – the things that we think support us actually do constrain us helpfully.  They also can constrict if too tight, held onto too long, or do not honor our own power that lies just beneath the bands that tie and bind.  What is holding you closed right now?  Is it money you’ve borrowed, a salary you just have to have, a relationship that keeps you safe but chafes at you where your own power meets the road you’re traveling?  Then try a few steps on your own – no support, no artificial structure.  Just you, your power, your honor, your will. Although it might be uncomfortable at first, you just might find yourself hitting your stride quite quickly, and you will flourish in the movement, and in the knowledge that it’s all being done with your own, unfettered power.

Designing Leadership: Thought of the Week

Lesson for Success (from running)-

To get where you want to go, keep your eye on the horizon. And, to know how you’re progressing, notice the passing scenery, who’s in front of you, who’s behind you, the roadblocks that might come your way, and the openings. Stay in shape and above all, just keep going!

Designing Leadership: Thought of the Week

Have Stamina.

Think about leadership as you do about running. For every uphill, there is a downhill. When the ground is level, increase your pace. Breathe deeply – your body knows what to do. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Take care of yourself, and just keep going. You will arrive.